Workers at Kogan Creek

Process safety

At CS Energy, we believe that everyone has a role to play in identifying, fixing and managing plant risks.

CS Energy’s process safety management system aims to ensure our assets are safe to run every day, and that our people understand the hazards, know the controls and know that the controls work.

Callide Unit C4 incident

In FY2023 we continued a program of improvements to make our power stations safer following the process safety incident on Callide Unit C4 in May 2021.

In early 2024 we released a report on the technical contributing factors to the Callide Unit C4 incident and the actions it has taken to prevent a similar event from happening again.

Dr Sean Brady’s external, independent investigation into the Unit C4 incident is entering its final stages. His investigation will make findings from an independent perspective on why the C4 incident happened. 

More information

Process Safety and Operational Integrity Policy (PDF 178.7KB).

Asset Management Policy (PDF 150.9KB)